On pregnancy test day, I was done with the blood draw and at work by 7:30am. An hour later, my email pinged: “You have one new test result.” My hands started to shake.
Peanut Shorts
What to do when something happens, but it isn’t enough to be a blog on its own? Combine all the mini stories into a bunch of Peanut Shorts!
Two things I am really, really bad at
It would appear that I am very bad at self-administering pokey things and being like Valerie Plame.
Hot Lava
Most adults can’t remember how to play make believe. Here’s why you should try.
The Chuck Norris of IVF
When faced with the prospect of sticking a 1-1/2 inch needle in my own arse, I turn into a huge coward. I need a little roundhouse-kickin’ inspiration.
Laying Eggs
Just when I think my reproductive system is a total screwup, it surprises me by doing exactly what it is supposed to. Keep it up, sister!
Putting the cart before the horse
It’s human nature to fantasize about the future, especially if you want something badly and are trying to achieve it. I can’t stop dreaming about something that’s still very far away.
The Hunt for Health Insurance
Looking for a new job shouldn’t be a search for the right kind of health insurance.
Resolutions for Year Two
365 days of being a parent have taught me much. I have a few ideas of things I’ll do differently in Peanut’s Year #2.