If you’re drafting a holiday pregnancy announcement status update, pause for just a moment before you tell the world.
infertility blog
The Mother of All Crying Fits
It was just another stop for gas on the way home. 90 minutes later we finally got back on the road, after I went a little crazy, thanks to some evolutionary Mom Programming.
The Bra Lady Gives Advice
Before tossing out random advice to people you don’t know, consider the fact that not everyone can conceive babies in a heartbeat. A little sensitivity goes a long way.
That’s My Job
I’m often asked, “What’s the most surprising part about being a parent?” It’s not hard to come up with an answer.
“Did you try putting your legs in the air?”
Ah, another gem for the “Captain Obvious” category. I can’t even count how many people told me this over the last year and a half.
“You just need to relax. Then you’ll get pregnant.”
If you tell someone they need to lose weight to get pregnant, you’re basically calling them fat. By telling me I need to relax, what’s that saying?