I’ve given up a lot of things since becoming a mom. Like sleep, and sanity. You know, normal stuff. But I also gave up a long list of things without a second thought. And I wasn’t sorry to see them go.
Toddlers, Tantrums, and My Parenting Village
It turns out Hillary Clinton actually knew what she was talking about with all that ‘it takes a village’ business. Who knew?
Parenting? NAILED IT! Oh, wait… crap.
As a rookie parent, I thought everything that went well could be chalked up to my amazing parenting skills. Then I had a second kid, and the truth punched me in the face.
I’m just not cut out to go viral
I always thought it would be awesome to have a blog post go viral. Then it happened. And I hated it.
Why I’ll always buy an extra seat
Many parents do it: fly with their baby in their lap on an airplane. Hell, I’ve even done it. But after my eyes were opened to the risk I was taking with my child’s life, I’ve vowed never to do it again — and to spread the word of why “infant in arms” must end once and for all.
Married With Children
An article is going viral right now claiming that American parenting is killing the American marriage. I say there’s one very big plot hole in their claim.
Looks like bad parenting? Look again.
Sometimes you see bad parenting and there’s no mistaking it. Other times, what you think you see isn’t anywhere close to reality. Here’s one situation I found myself in last week where “judge not” definitely applies.
8 questions for my mom on Mother’s Day
What she wishes she’d done differently, how she thinks I’m like her, and the thing I do that she finds totally insane.