A collection of the best tips for how to prepare ahead of time and how to cope throughout the process of infertility treatments and IVF.
Our projected family size has gone from two (just us), to three (+ puppy), to four (+ a Peanut). We haven’t always agreed, but now, we’re at an impasse. We do not agree on where to go from here.
It’s So Easy (and other lies)
My expectations of breastfeeding were way off base. I underestimated how hard it would be, especially at first. This is my warning to the mothers-to-be: it sure ain’t easy.
A little personality
They say that babies start to show their personality — the one they’ll have for life — from the first day. I find that hard to believe, but this weekend, my aunt and mother-in-law filled me in from personal experience.
WTF is a WTF appointment?
They call it the “WTF Appointment” — the one you have with the doctors after your IVF fails, where they can’t give you any reason why it didn’t work. Nor can they tell you anything that’s really of value at all. So we just decided not to go to ours.
“You just need to relax. Then you’ll get pregnant.”
If you tell someone they need to lose weight to get pregnant, you’re basically calling them fat. By telling me I need to relax, what’s that saying?