Infants have a leg up on toddlers in many ways… but I’d be remiss if I didn’t describe all the ways that toddlers are way awesomer than infants. Here’s the rundown.
The Big Reveal
We kept this second IVF attempt quiet so I could finally experience a true “pregnancy reveal.” Here’s how it all went down when we finally told our families.
Clinging to Hope
A great deal of blood, clumps of tissue, cramping… sounds like a textbook miscarriage. Not in every case. And not in my case either, it seems.
The News, Part Deux
On pregnancy test day, I was done with the blood draw and at work by 7:30am. An hour later, my email pinged: “You have one new test result.” My hands started to shake.
A lesson in statistics
I’ve made it over the first hurdle in this process — my pre-transfer ultrasound. Now my mind is swimming with statistics, and I’m terrified about making it through the next steps.
Mom’s Night Out
The first night I spent away from Peanut wasn’t as hard as I expected. The second night, on the other hand, was awful. It all goes back to Canadian Geese. Sort of.
His Balls in a Jar
It all started with a text message that accused me of having my husband’s junk under lock and key.
Putting the cart before the horse
It’s human nature to fantasize about the future, especially if you want something badly and are trying to achieve it. I can’t stop dreaming about something that’s still very far away.
The Case for Leaving Gender a Mystery
I’m a huge proponent of leaving your baby’s gender a secret — from your friends, family, and yourself. Here, I make a case for the biggest surprise of your life.