My husband has been away overnight 102 times in the last year. As my very first overnight trip away from Squeak approaches, I’m looking forward to evening the score. But my husband is calling in reinforcements, and I’m not happy about it. AT ALL.
best mommy blog
You’re never really ready to go
Due to kidney failure, my 94-year-old friend has less than a year to live. Even more surprising was how he reacted to the news.
1-2-3-4, I declare a thumb war
Peanut is a dedicated thumbsucker. My first attempt at kicking the habit was a horrible failure, and I’m pretty sure I’m the worst mom in the world.
The Type-A Mom’s Guide to Family Photos
Being a control freak is helpful sometimes. Family picture day is not one of those times. Follow these tips for great pics and a photo shoot that won’t put you in the crazy house.