We’re one year into Operation Picky-Eatin’ Toddlers. Using strategies from the feeding specialist, we’ve made huge strides over the last year. But not without some major roadblocks along the way.
World War Food, Squeak Edition
I was so traumatized by Peanut’s chaotic visit to the feeding specialist, I had prepared myself for the worst when it was time for Squeak to go. How would the feeding specialist’s strategies work on Squeak, who was too young to be bribed with screen time and dessert? As it turns out, my little guy surprised us all.
World War Food, Part Three
Our first visit with renowned pediatric feeding specialist Dr. C was an emotionally (and physically) trying day. We’re taking a completely new approach to my incredibly picky eaters.
World War Food, Part Two
I have picky eaters. Not your average picky eaters, either. My kids put most toddlers to shame. It’s my biggest insecurity as a parent, it stresses me out, and it sucks. I’m not taking it lying down any more. This is the beginning of our family’s journey to help my kids have a normal (hell, I’d settle for semi-normal) relationship with food.
World War Food
At dinnertime, quite embarrassingly, I’ve lost my patience with Peanut more than once. But I’ve realized that something as unimportant as food is not worth the fight.
Rabbit food
I’ve never willingly eaten a leafy green vegetable in my life. So you can imagine my surprise when I found myself suddenly lusting after a salad. WTF is going on here?!