To the mom in the trenches: it gets easier

To the mom in the trenches: it gets easier

When you feel like you cannot go on another minute, because it’s all just too much, remember this: you’re in the trenches right now. You won’t stay there. And it does get better. Here’s a story to explain how it did so for me.

Dear Pre-Kid Lydia…

Dear Pre-Kid Lydia…

As Squeak’s second birthday approaches, I’m thinking about what I wish I’d known when I started this parenting gig. No-Kids Lydia needs to drop some preconceived notions.

World War Food, Squeak Edition

World War Food, Squeak Edition

I was so traumatized by Peanut’s chaotic visit to the feeding specialist, I had prepared myself for the worst when it was time for Squeak to go. How would the feeding specialist’s strategies work on Squeak, who was too young to be bribed with screen time and dessert? As it turns out, my little guy surprised us all.

Looks like bad parenting? Look again.

Looks like bad parenting? Look again.

Sometimes you see bad parenting and there’s no mistaking it. Other times, what you think you see isn’t anywhere close to reality. Here’s one situation I found myself in last week where “judge not” definitely applies.

My bad pre-kid decisions

My bad pre-kid decisions

We make a lot of decisions early in our lives that we have to live with once we become parents. Some are huge – like your choice of spouse – and others seem small. When life’s circumstances change, those little things suddenly become big annoyances.

All by myself

All by myself

I was terrified to handle both kids by myself when my husband went out of town. Like most things, it’s a whole lot of trial and error. Mostly error.